Christian Goodwillie
The Shakers are perhaps the best known of American religious communities. Their ethos and organization had a practical influence on many other communities and on society as a whole. This three volume collection presents writings from a broad cross-section of those who opposed the Shakers and their way of life.
Volume 1 General Introduction 1782–1811: A Brief Account of a Religious Scheme (1782), A Narrative of the Strange Principles, Conduct and Character of the People Known by the Name of Shakers (1782), Three Curious Pieces (1782),illegalscriptural Cautions (1783), A Letter, fr om Daniel Rathbun, of Richmond, in the County of Berkshire to James Whittacor, Chief Elder of the Church, called Shakers (1785), `Spectator´, `Th e People Called Shakers´, Massachusetts Spy: or, Worcester Gazette (1786), `Mystery of the People Called Shakers´, Boston Gazette, and the Country Journal (1789), `For the Western Star´, Western Star (1796), Caleb Rathbun, `Caleb Rathbun Aged Nearly Seventeen Years´, Western Star (1796), Letter, Western Star (1796), `For the Western Star´, Western Star (1797), Reasons Offered for Leaving the Shakers (1800), `An Attempt to Develope Shakerism´, Supporter (1810), Remarkable Occurrences, Lately Discovered Among the People Called Shakers (1810), `Who Are the Shakers?´, American Commercial Daily Advertiser (1810), [`Mobbing the Shakers at Union Village, Ohio´], Supporter (1810), `Expedition Against the Shakers´, Democratic Press (1810), Writings of Shaker Apostates and Anti-Shakers, 1782–1850: Shakerism Detected (1810), Fanaticism Exposed (1811). Volume 2 1812–1826: A Shock to Shakerism, or, A Serious Refutation of the Idolatrous Divinity of Anne Lee (1812), Letter to Lucy Wright (1817), An Account of the Conduct of the Shakers (1818), Indoctum Parliamentum (1818), An Address to the People at Union Village, and a Solemn Warning to the Whole Human Family Against Shakerism and Delusion (1820), A Brief Exposition of the Fanaticism, False Doctrines, and Absurdities, of the People Called Shakers (1822), A Brief Account of the Rise, Progress, Doctrines, and Practices of the People Usually Denominated Shakers (1824), Samuel Brown, A Countercheck to Shakerism (1824, Peter Youmans, An Appeal toillegalscripture and Common Sense, or, A Death Blow to Shakerism ([1826]) John Whitbey, Beauties of Priestcraft ; or, A Short Account of Shakerism (1826) Shakerism Unmasked (1826). Volume 3 1831– c. 1852: The True Believer´s Vademecum, or, Shakerism Exposed (1831) An Account of the Doctrines, Government, Manners and Customs of the Shakers with Remarks on Confession to Catholic Priests and Shaker Elders (1834), Just Published, Hodgdon´s Life and Manner of Living Among the Shakers (1838), A Return of Departed Spirits of the Highest Characters of Distinction (1843), Lo Here and Lo There!, or, Th e Grave of the Heart (1846), `Th e Shaker Concert´ (1847), Trial of the Shakers ([1847]), Extract from an Unpublished Manuillegalscript on Shaker History (1850), Shakerism Exposed ([c. 1852]).