An authoritative and definitive collection of books for graduate and postgraduate students and researchers in toxicology, biomedicine, biochemistry, forensics and environmental/pollution sciences.
9780854048465 Bile Acids: Toxicology and Bioactivity; 9780854041992 The Comet Assay in Toxicology; 9781849730068 Silver in Healthcare: Its Antimicrobial Efficacy and Safety in Use; 9781849730044 In Silico Toxicology: Principles and Applications; 9781849730051 Environmental Cardiology: Pollution and Heart Disease; 9781849731638 Metabolic Profiling: Disease and Xenobiotics; 9781849731911 Mammalian Toxicology of Insecticides; 9781849731898 Hormone-Disruptive Chemical Contaminants in Food; 9781849731775 The Cellular Response to the Genotoxic Insult: The Question of Threshold for Genotoxic Carcinogens; 9781849732413 Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring: Volume 1; 9781849732420 Biomarkers and Human Biomonitoring: Volume 2; 9781849734172 Toxicological Effects of Veterinary Medicinal Products in Humans: Volume 1; 9781849736848 Toxicological Effects of Veterinary Medicinal Products in Humans: Volume 2; 9781849733847 Chemical Toxicity Prediction: Category Formation and Read-Across; 9781849734189 Aging and Vulnerability to Environmental Chemicals: Age-related Disorders and their Origins in Environmental Exposures; 9781849736527 Reducing, Refining and Replacing the Use of Animals in Toxicity Testing; 9781849733984 Advances in Dermatological Sciences; 9781849737180 The Carcinogenicity of Metals: Human risk through occupational and environmental exposure; 9780854048472 Male-mediated Developmental Toxicity; 9780854045877 Hair in Toxicology: An Important Bio-Monitor; 9780854042746 Cytochromes P450: Role in the Metabolism and Toxicity of Drugs and other Xenobiotics; 9781849739436 Manganese in Health and Disease
A collection of books edited and written by leading international scientists working in the field, the Issue in Toxicology Set provides an authoritative and definitive collection of reference guides for graduate and postgraduate students and researchers devoted to coverage of modern toxicology and assessment of risk. Topics covered are diverse and include toxicology, biomedicine, biochemistry, forensics and environmental/pollution sciences.