As Soeharto's New Order government became increasingly authoritarian, censoring and crushing public opposition openly and often brutally, there was a clear shift in playwriting style from allegorical fairy tales of wordplay, humor and oblique reference to a more direct engagement, interrogation, and call to arms. All in all, Indonesian drama during the New Order provides a fascinating window into a society in transition caught between the legacy of tradition, the challenge of repression, and a strong desire for democratization.nAuthors: Arifin C. Noer, Rendra, Putu Wijaya, Noorca Marendra Massardi, Akhudiat, Wisran Hadi, Saini K.M., Yudhistira ANM Massardi, N. Riantiarno, Aspar Paturusi, Afrizal Malna, Emha Ainun Nadjib, Ratna Sarumpaet.nEditors: Cobina Gillitt and John H. McGlynnnTranslators: Barbara Hatley, Cobina Gillitt, Eddy Pursubaryanto, Evan Darwin Winnet, Gai Littler, Harry Aveling, John H. McGlynn, Kathy Foley, Kirstin Pauka, Michael Bodden, Patricia Henry, Paul Tickell