Legal Commentary Macedonian Company Law
Trygve Ben Holland & Zarije Rasimi

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Autor/Autorin: Holland Trygve Ben

Prof. Dr.-iur. Trygve Ben Holland, LL.M. (EUR), University of New York in Tirana and Universities of Applied Sciences Bremen, Germany, partner of ADB Consulting; Dipl.-Betriebswirtin Zarije Rasimi (MA), Business Consultant in Hamburg, Germany.
Along with other States of the Western Balkan, Macedonia is expected to become a Member State of the EU. The conditioned Stabilisation and Association Agreements between the EU and theses States provide for successive approximation of these States´ laws to that of the EU as a prerequisite for accession. The Macedonian Law on Trade Companies (Official Gazette No. 28/2004) entered into effect on 8 May 2004, aiming at adjusting Macedonian provisions on companies to EU stan­­­­­­dards and modernising existing legislation within the legal framework: The law is accompanied by a multitude of domestic legal provisions as well as of the EU which must be taken into consideration when apply­­­­­­­ing and interpreting it. Aim of present book is to explain the Mace­­do­­­­­­­­nian company law in the context of these provisions. The law is stated as at 1 March 2013.
Along with other States of the Western Balkan, Macedonia is expected to become a Member State of the EU. The conditioned Stabilisation and Association Agreements between the EU and theses States provide for successive approximation of these States' laws to that of the EU as a prerequisite for accession. The Macedonian Law on Trade Companies (Official Gazette No. 28/2004) entered into effect on 8 May 2004, aiming at adjusting Macedonian provisions on companies to EU stan dards and modernising existing legislation within the legal framework: The law is accompanied by a multitude of domestic legal provisions as well as of the EU which must be taken into consideration when apply ing and interpreting it. Aim of present book is to explain the Mace do nian company law in the context of these provisions. The law is stated as at 1 March 2013.

Über den Autor

Prof. Dr.-iur. Trygve Ben Holland, LL.M. (EUR), University of New York / Tirana, specialist in international commercial law at ADB Consulting; M.Sc. (Law) Enta Hasmuca, practitioner of energy trading.


Along with other States of the Western Balkan, Macedonia is expected to become a Member State of the EU. The conditioned Stabilisation and Association Agreements between the EU and theses States provide for successive approximation of these States' laws to that of the EU as a prerequisite for accession. The Macedonian Law on Trade Companies (Official Gazette No. 28/2004) entered into effect on 8 May 2004, aiming at adjusting Macedonian provisions on companies to EU stan­­­­­­dards and modernising existing legislation within the legal framework: The law is accompanied by a multitude of domestic legal provisions as well as of the EU which must be taken into consideration when apply­­­­­­­ing and interpreting it. Aim of present book is to explain the Mace­­do­­­­­­­­nian company law in the context of these provisions. The law is stated as at 1 March 2013.