With contributions by numerous experts|
This review series covers trends in modern biotechnology
All aspects of this interdisciplinary technology, where knowledge, methods and expertise are required from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, chemical engineering and computer science, are treated
Electronic version available at www.springerlink.com
C. Tollnick, G. Seidel, M. Beyer, K. Schügerl: Investigations of the Production of Cephalosporin C by Acremonium chrysogenum.- K. Friehs: Plasmid Copy Number and Plasmid Stability.- P.S.J. Cheetham: Bioprocesses for the Manufacture of Ingredients for Foods and Cosmetics.- I. Roy, S. Sharma, M.N. Gupta: Smart Biocatalysts: Design and Applications.- B. Zhumabayeva, A. Chenchik, P.D. Siebert, M. Herrler: Disease Profiling Arrays: Reverse Format cDNA Arrays Complimentary to Microarrays.- A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Madhusudhan, R. Kumar: Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Clinical Requirements and Developments in Ex-Vivo Culture.- M. Dutta, M.M. Borah, N.N. Dutta: Adsorptive Separation of beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Technological Perspectives.
C. Tollnick, G. Seidel, M. Beyer, K. Schügerl: Investigations of the Production of Cephalosporin C by Acremonium chrysogenum.- K. Friehs: Plasmid Copy Number and Plasmid Stability.- P.S.J. Cheetham: Bioprocesses for the Manufacture of Ingredients for Foods and Cosmetics.- I. Roy, S. Sharma, M.N. Gupta: Smart Biocatalysts: Design and Applications.- B. Zhumabayeva, A. Chenchik, P.D. Siebert, M. Herrler: Disease Profiling Arrays: Reverse Format cDNA Arrays Complimentary to Microarrays.- A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Madhusudhan, R. Kumar: Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Clinical Requirements and Developments in Ex-Vivo Culture.- M. Dutta, M.M. Borah, N.N. Dutta: Adsorptive Separation of beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Technological Perspectives.
C. Tollnick, G. Seidel, M. Beyer, K. Schügerl: Investigations of the Production of Cephalosporin C by Acremonium chrysogenum.- K. Friehs: Plasmid Copy Number and Plasmid Stability.- P.S.J. Cheetham: Bioprocesses for the Manufacture of Ingredients for Foods and Cosmetics.- I. Roy, S. Sharma, M.N. Gupta: Smart Biocatalysts: Design and Applications.- B. Zhumabayeva, A. Chenchik, P.D. Siebert, M. Herrler: Disease Profiling Arrays: Reverse Format cDNA Arrays Complimentary to Microarrays.- A. Mukhopadhyay, T. Madhusudhan, R. Kumar: Hematopoietic Stem Cells: Clinical Requirements and Developments in Ex-Vivo Culture.- M. Dutta, M.M. Borah, N.N. Dutta: Adsorptive Separation of beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Technological Perspectives.
This review series covers trends in modern biotechnology
All aspects of this interdisciplinary technology, where knowledge, methods and expertise are required from chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, chemical engineering and computer science, are treated
Electronic version available at www.springerlink.com