Art, Nature, and Self-Formation in the Age of Goethe

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Art, Nature, and Self-Formation in the Age of Goethe

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  • Walter de Gruyter GmbH
    Genthiner Str. 13
    DE-10785 Berlin
    +49 30 260050
  • 1701764100


Gerad Gentry, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany; Mattias Pirholt, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; Camilla Flodin, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.

This volume looks to core ideas defining Goethe´s work and his influence on his contemporaries and inheritors. Contributions to this volume explore his impact through ideas of organic and aesthetic formation; methods of biology, reason, becoming, and Bildung; modes of self-conscious comportment to nature, art, and the self; and conceptions of finitude and divinity. This volume underscores the interdisciplinary impact of Goethe´s thought and work. Of particular note is Goethe's unified and non-reductive account of nature, human education, social life, and reason. These contributions shed light on how Goethe's thought furthers the methodological sciences of his day while yielding resources for the grounding of theories of art in principles of idealism as well as imminent critiques of idealism through insights about organic formation and activity. The result is a compelling sense of unity through plurality. Contributors: James Conant, Richard Eldridge, Camilla Flodin, Michael Forster, Gerad Gentry, Keren Gorodeisky, Johannes Haag, Joel Lande, Lara Ostaric, Mattias Pirholt, Anne Pollok, Karin Schutjer, Allen Speight, Joan Steigerwald, Violetta Waibel, David Wellbery.

This volume looks to core ideas defining Goethe's work and his influence on his contemporaries and inheritors. Contributions to this volume explore his impact through ideas of organic and aesthetic formation; methods of biology, reason, becoming, and Bildung; modes of self-conscious comportment to nature, art, and the self; and conceptions of finitude and divinity. This volume underscores the interdisciplinary impact of Goethe's thought and work. Of particular note is Goethe's unified and non-reductive account of nature, human education, social life, and reason. These contributions shed light on how Goethe's thought furthers the methodological sciences of his day while yielding resources for the grounding of theories of art in principles of idealism as well as imminent critiques of idealism through insights about organic formation and activity. The result is a compelling sense of unity through plurality. Contributors: James Conant, Richard Eldridge, Camilla Flodin, Michael Forster, Gerad Gentry, Keren Gorodeisky, Johannes Haag, Joel Lande, Lara Ostaric, Mattias Pirholt, Anne Pollok, Karin Schutjer, Allen Speight, Joan Steigerwald, Violetta Waibel, David Wellbery.
