Popular health education in the light of psychoanalysis
Education and psychoanalysis
Maria do Socorro Vidal de Oliveira

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Popular health education in the light of psychoanalysis


Autor/Autorin: Vidal de Oliveira Maria do Socorro

Dentist, sanitarian, psychoanalyst, Reikian, Popular Health Educator, Hypnologist, she has worked as a dentist in the municipalities of Ibimirim, Arcoverde, Tamandaré, Venturosa and Pedra, and is currently the Education and Health Coordinator at the Health Department of the Municipality of Arcoverde-PE.
To build bridges, to show paths, to shed light through psychoanalysis on this distressing context, how can this new path be taken? Popular education seeks to involve social actors, fostering the process of participation and investigation, but what to do with this new demand, with these fragments acquired, how to put these pieces together, and pieces of suffering acquired over decades of silence, the composer Chico Buarque says "how to drink this bitter drink, shut up, swallow the toil, even shut up the mouth remains the chest, silence in the city is not heard". To show the daily lives of these social actors is to show their culture and beliefs - an example of this is the Christmas festival. The Catholic Church preaches using the writings that show John the Baptist inviting everyone to repent and convert, to change their mentality, starting from within (National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, Northeast Region 2), what tools is the church offering these people for this conversion? We are immersed in social exclusion, almost perfect capitalism, deliberate consumerism, the world of drugs and prostitution, sexual abuse.

Über den Autor

Zahnärztin, Sanitäterin, Psychoanalytikerin, Reikianerin, Volksgesundheitserzieherin, Hypnologin. Sie hat als Zahnärztin in den Gemeinden Ibimirim, Arcoverde, Tamandaré, Venturosa und Pedra gearbeitet und ist derzeit Koordinatorin für Bildung und Gesundheit in der Gesundheitsabteilung der Gemeinde Arcoverde-PE.


To build bridges, to show paths, to shed light through psychoanalysis on this distressing context, how can this new path be taken? Popular education seeks to involve social actors, fostering the process of participation and investigation, but what to do with this new demand, with these fragments acquired, how to put these pieces together, and pieces of suffering acquired over decades of silence, the composer Chico Buarque says "how to drink this bitter drink, shut up, swallow the toil, even shut up the mouth remains the chest, silence in the city is not heard". To show the daily lives of these social actors is to show their culture and beliefs - an example of this is the Christmas festival. The Catholic Church preaches using the writings that show John the Baptist inviting everyone to repent and convert, to change their mentality, starting from within (National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, Northeast Region 2), what tools is the church offering these people for this conversion? We are immersed in social exclusion, almost perfect capitalism, deliberate consumerism, the world of drugs and prostitution, sexual abuse.