Interpretation in Ronald Dworkin
Integrity of law
Carlos Henrique Generoso Costa

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Interpretation in Ronald Dworkin


Autor/Autorin: Generoso Costa Carlos Henrique

Lawyer, post-graduate in Public Law and Social Security Law.
The book explores the theory of the American Ronald Dworkin, with regard to his theory of law as integrity, and goes through the novel in chains, Judge Hercules, the thesis of the existence of the only correct decision.This will be followed by an introduction to his main works, in which the concepts of principles, rules and policy arguments, all of which make up the Law, become clear.Therefore, the theory, which comes from common law, is perfectly suited to Brazilian law, as a way of highlighting legal interpretation.

Über den Autor

Jurist, Postgraduierter in öffentlichem Recht und Sozialversicherungsrecht.


The book explores the theory of the American Ronald Dworkin, with regard to his theory of law as integrity, and goes through the novel in chains, Judge Hercules, the thesis of the existence of the only correct decision.This will be followed by an introduction to his main works, in which the concepts of principles, rules and policy arguments, all of which make up the Law, become clear.Therefore, the theory, which comes from common law, is perfectly suited to Brazilian law, as a way of highlighting legal interpretation.